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​Get an overview of our apprenticeships

Technical Product Designer (m/f/d)

You decide what the product looks like For machines, systems and everyday objects to fulfil their function, the construction and design must be right! As a technical product designer, you are responsible for exactly that. You design and plan the products on the computer using the latest 3D CAD programs. From vehicles and technical devices to coffee machines, everything is included - depending on which industry you work in. With us, you design everything from the machine component to the finished machine. You always make sure that everything meets the customer's wishes and can be implemented optimally. You select materials and manufacturing techniques and also keep an eye on the costs and technical requirements. You use simulations and tests to check whether your designs can be implemented in practice. By the way: Until 2011, this job was still called "technical draftsman". Interested in a career as a technical product designer? During your training, you can choose between two specializations: product design and construction or machine and system construction. As a technical product designer specializing in mechanical and plant engineering, you will create 3D models for the components of systems and machines, among other things. Your training lasts 3 ½ years and takes place at the vocational school and in the company. And this is what you will learn in your training as a technical product designer: • Create and use technical documents • Plan and design components and products using 3D CAD software • Develop products, from design to component calculation • Differentiate and select materials and assembly techniques • Execute orders in a customer-oriented manner • Conduct test runs and optimize your designs Creativity is required here! To successfully complete your training as a technical product designer, you should have good spatial imagination and enjoy working with a PC. During your training, you will then learn how to create three-dimensional sketches for new products using special programs. Are you good at math and physics? Great, because that will help you to carry out the necessary calculations of lengths and areas and select suitable materials. If you also meet these requirements, the job of technical product designer is ideal for you: • You have a technical understanding and know how engines, gears and pumps work. • You can draw and enjoy drawing systems in detail. • You work carefully and precisely. • You are creative and always have good ideas. • We expect you to have at least a good secondary school diploma.

Mechatronics engineer (m/f/d)

Ein Profi für drei Gebiete Als zukünftiger Mechatroniker baust du Systeme, die sowohl aus mechanischen als auch aus elektronischen oder informationstechnischen Bauteilen bestehen. Bevor es an die eigentliche Bastelei geht, studierst du zunächst Schaltpläne und Konstruktionszeichnungen. Dann legst du los: Steuerungen einbauen, Leitungen verdrahten, Metalle bearbeiten oder elektronische Bauteile mit mechanischen Bauteilen wie Pumpen oder Ventilen verbinden. All dies zählt zu deinen täglichen Aufgaben als Mechatroniker oder Mechatronikerin. Je weiter du in deiner Ausbildung bist, desto anspruchsvoller sind deine Jobs! Am Ende kannst du als Mechatroniker nicht nur Systeme und Geräte fachgerecht zusammenbauen, sondern erkennst auch Fehler sofort und behebst sie. Kunden erklärst du die Anlagen und die Sicherheitsrichtlinien kennst du im Schlaf. Abwechslung wird hier groß geschrieben Nicht umsonst ist dieser Beruf einer der beliebtesten in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie. In deiner Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker lernst du in 3 ½ Jahren in deinem Ausbildungsunternehmen und in der Berufsschule alles, was du später im Beruf wissen musst. Am Ende der Ausbildung steht eine zweigeteilte Abschlussprüfung. Den ersten Teil der Prüfung absolvierst du schon am Ende des zweiten Ausbildungsjahres, den zweiten Teil am Ende der Ausbildung. Wer besonders ehrgeizig ist, kann die Ausbildung um bis zu ein Jahr verkürzen. Das lernst du in deiner Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker oder zur Mechatronikerin: • Bleche, Rohre und Profile schweißen • Baugruppen und Geräte nach Unterlagen verdrahten • Maschinen und Anlagen montieren und demontieren • Netzwerke und Systeme installieren und konfigurieren • elektrische, pneumatische (mit Luftdruck) und hydraulische (mit dem Druck bestimmter Flüssigkeiten) Steuerungen bauen • mechatronische Systeme wie z. B. Flaschenabfüllanlagen programmieren Hier ist handwerkliches Können gefragt! Um erfolgreich in die Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker zu starten, solltest du dich selbstverständlich für Mechanik, Elektronik und auch Informatik interessieren. Du hast Spaß daran, mehr über diese Bereiche zu lernen? Dann ist die Ausbildung das Richtige für dich! Außerdem hilft es dir, wenn du gute Noten in Mathe und Physik hast. Die brauchst du z. B. für Berechnungen oder um mechanische Abläufe nachvollziehen zu können. Diese Voraussetzungen solltest du noch mitbringen: • Du bist handwerklich geschickt – die Techniken wie Schweißen und Löten lernst du dann in der Ausbildung. • Du hast gute Englischkenntnisse – so kannst du Montageanleitungen in englischer Sprache lesen. • Du kannst dir Dinge gut räumlich vorstellen. Das hilft dir beim Lesen von Konstruktionszeichnungen. • Du arbeitest selbstständig und sorgfältig. • Mit einem guten Haupt- oder Realschulabschluss wirst du gerne von uns eingestellt.

​Industrial mechanic (m/f/d)

Building big things As an industrial mechanic, you are a professional for large machines and systems! During your training, you will learn how to manufacture the components required and assemble them into machines and systems. In automobile production, damage to the vulcanization system causes downtime? This is where you come in! With your specialist knowledge, you can find the error - after all, you assembled the system yourself! If a part is broken or needs to be adjusted, you repair it or rebuild it. Then you put the system back into operation and check that everything is working. Whether grinding, milling or filing - during your training, you will learn all the techniques of metalworking! And after installing the technical systems, you can also pass on your knowledge of how to operate them to customers and colleagues. In short: you are the all-rounder in all industrial companies! One of the most popular apprenticeships It is not for nothing that training to become an industrial mechanic is one of the most popular! In 3 ½ years, you will learn everything you will need to know later in your career. You will spend part of your time at your training company and part of your time at vocational school. The following training content is on the program: • Getting to know materials and finding out which ones are used when • Producing workpieces and components • Evaluating technical drawings and creating your own assembly drawings • Assembling individual parts into complete machines, putting them into operation and later maintaining them • ​​Installing electrical components in the system • Finding and eliminating errors During your training, you can specialize in one of these areas: precision instrument construction, maintenance, mechanical and plant engineering or production technology. Manual skills required In order to successfully start your training as an industrial mechanic, you should be skilled in manual work. You will then learn the techniques, such as filing, drilling, milling or grinding, during your training. And at school? With good grades in math and physics, it will be easier for you to understand the basics of control technology or to do calculations. You should also meet these requirements: • You enjoy practical activities, such as setting up machines or assembling components. • You can also imagine programming machines. • You work carefully - this pays off when assembling the systems and during quality control. • You have a good spatial imagination. • You can express yourself well, e.g. to explain the systems to colleagues. • If you have a good secondary school or high school diploma, we would be happy to hire you.

​Cutting machine operator (m/f/d) turning and milling technology

Precision is required here As a machining mechanic, you work on lathes, milling machines or drilling machines and produce precision parts that have to be accurate to a hundredth of a millimeter. From gears to engine parts. Precision and care are the top priority in this work. Your most important instrument is the CNC machine tool. During your training as a machining mechanic, you will learn how to operate the computer-controlled machines and program them for each new job. A customer needs a component for our machine? You look at the technical drawing and check whether the required material is in stock. You discuss the work sequence with colleagues and select the machines, tools and test equipment. Once you have programmed the CNC machine and set up the tools, you can get started! You clamp the blank and monitor the quality during production. If problems occur, you determine the cause and correct the error. The 3 ½ year training to become a cutting machine operator takes place in your training company and at the vocational school. The following training content is on the program: • Selecting the right materials • Programming CNC machine tools • Clamping workpieces correctly and putting machines into operation • Recognizing disruptions in production and quality defects • Documenting your work and your results You will deepen your training in the areas of application: lathe systems or milling machine systems. A good eye for detail is required here! In order to successfully start your training to become a cutting machine operator, your manual talent is particularly required. But it is just as important that you have a good eye for detail and work carefully and precisely. After all, every millimeter counts in this job! At school, you should be good at math and physics. This will help you to understand the mechanical basics or to determine machine values. You should also meet these requirements: • You have a technical understanding. • You enjoy working on the computer – understanding it will help you program the CNC machines. • You have a good spatial imagination. • You are attentive – a good prerequisite for monitoring the production process. • We would be pleased if you had a good secondary school leaving certificate.

​Construction mechanic (m/f/d)

Do you like large metal structures? Have you ever stood in front of a crane and wondered how it was put together? When you see huge ships, you first ask yourself what components they are made of? Then training to be a construction mechanic is exactly the right thing for you! Here you will learn how the really large metal structures are created - from the drawing to the final assembly. Using a wide variety of techniques such as cutting, bending and sawing, you will process the individual parts made of steel and sheet metal until they match your drawing. Here, detail is important! Because small and large structures only work if the dimensions and shape are right. Of course, you also have computer-controlled machines at your disposal, which you program yourself. During the 3 ½ year training with us, you will learn how drawings are turned into real components for our machines. The latest technology - such as cutting or welding with laser technology - is available to you here. You will also learn these things during your training as a construction mechanic: • reading technical drawings and using them for construction • connecting components using different techniques, such as welding or soldering, or separating metal sheets • creating huge constructions from the components • programming and setting up machines • handing over constructions and systems to customers and explaining how to use them to them • ​​maintaining systems, machines and tools Do you think big? Do you want to know how different tools work and how you can use them to process components? When you look at a drawing, can you imagine exactly how it is implemented? If you also meet these requirements, your chances of training as a construction mechanic are good: • You are skilled in manual work - after all, you have to meet exact specifications when constructing. • You have good grades in math and physics - this helps you, for example, when programming the machines. • You have technical understanding - you can't do without it. • We like to see a good secondary school or high school diploma.

​Electronics engineer for automation technology (m/f/d)

Simplify production Imagine mass production in which you have to carry out every step by hand over and over again. In the long run, that would not only be quite exhausting, but also quite annoying. Fortunately, there are electronics engineers for automation technology who simplify such processes greatly with the help of complex machines! As an electronics engineer for automation technology, you are always in demand where large systems with automatic production processes have to work flawlessly. You ensure that the many individual parts become an overall system in which everything runs automatically. For example, computer-controlled systems, entire production lines or even traffic lights. You program and test the systems, put them into operation and maintain them. You give users tips on how to use them and you are on hand immediately if there are any problems. A profession that is very well respected - after all, you make the work easier for many colleagues! Everything is automatic here Your training as an electronics engineer for automation technology takes 3 ½ years. You will learn both in your training company and at the vocational school. And this is what your training content as a prospective electronics technician for automation technology will include: • getting to know the functions of automation systems and analyzing, changing and expanding their relationships • installing electrical drive systems and programming automation systems • connecting individual components of the automation equipment and integrating them into higher-level systems • improving control circuits, investigating faults, using test software and diagnostic systems and repairing systems Your start in training The basic requirement for training as an electronics technician for automation technology is that you already have knowledge of electrical circuits. Basic knowledge of computer science makes it easier for you to program the computer-controlled systems. In addition, you should meet these training requirements: • You are good at math and physics. This helps you, for example, when calculating resistances. • You are skilled in manual work and understand something about technology. Can you imagine installing switching devices to control systems? • You can plan and organize. Because the design of new automation systems is also one of your tasks. • You work carefully and precisely – this is important when checking the safety equipment. • A good secondary school diploma will open the doors to the company for you.

​Wholesale and foreign trade clerks (m/f/d)

Merchants in the wholesale and foreign trade sector buy goods and sell them on to trading, craft and industrial companies. With us, you will learn with a focus on foreign trade - worldwide. Customer contact and good communication skills in German and English should be a matter of course for you, because in your training as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade, you have to obtain offers, compare them and, if necessary, negotiate in order to get the best possible price. Once you have made the purchase at the lowest price, it's time to sell. Here, too, negotiating is part of the daily tasks. You advise your customers by phone and email, negotiate a sales price with them and discuss the delivery time and the place where the goods should be delivered. Then it's time for the organization, because as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade, you are responsible for ensuring that deliveries are made at the right time and that there are no delays. Qualifications • Good secondary school leaving certificate • A-levels or higher commercial school is an advantage • Good knowledge of German • Knowledge of English • Other foreign languages ​​are an advantage. • Commercial and technical interest • Organizational talent, team spirit, self-confident and friendly demeanor • Enjoy working with vehicle parts and workshop supplies • Service and customer orientation • Enjoy selling and dealing with people You should become a wholesale and foreign trade merchant if… …you like working with numbers. …you have no problem with complex tasks. …you are sociable and love dealing with customers, suppliers and employees. You should not become a wholesale and foreign trade merchant if… …you are afraid of people. …you cannot follow instructions. …you cannot express yourself well in writing or verbally.


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